25 Random Things About Me (Part 2)

As promised (threatened?), here are the additional items from my original list of 25 random personal facts.
13. My first celebrity crush was on Princess Diana, when I was ten.
14. I am obsessed with time and being punctual. But I have never worn a watch.
15. The sensation and smell of milk on my skin is one of the most repulsive things in the world to me. Whenever I handle the liquid, which isn’t often, I treat it like explosive nitroglycerin.
16. I am probably the only person in history to go to both a Sandinista rally and a meeting of the John Birch Society. They cover the extreme ends of the political spectrum, and in neither case was it my idea to attend.
17. The only time I have actually partied with rock stars was back in the 90s, when my wife (then-girlfriend) won front-row tickets and backstage passes to the Spin Doctors (!). Considering we were not huge Spin Doctors fans, it turned out to be fun, and the band was very approachable. And yes, they played “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong.”
18. I’ve been to about 200 major league baseball games, yet I have never caught a foul ball or homerun. This annoys me.
19. I got into a lot of fistfights when I was a kid, and I never lost one. My last fight was when I was twelve, so I would most likely get my ass kicked today.
20. If I had to choose a last meal, it would be a slice of pizza (the house special) from Imperial Pizza in NYC, accompanied by a glass of Krug champagne. [Addendum: Imperial Pizza has unfortunately closed. I have to think of a new last meal].
21. I’ve broken bones four times in my life, all while playing football.
22. No theory of the afterlife (heaven, hell, reincarnation, merging with the cosmos, never-ending sleep, etc.) seems entirely correct to me.
23. I have been known to judge people by their knowledge of proper grammar.
24. I cannot stand the taste, smell, or even the idea of vodka.
25. The people I admire most are my wife, my mom, the Dalai Lama, and John Lennon. [Addendum: I am adding my toddler son to this list].
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