Year of the Oligarch

This year has started with two political developments that were completely predictable to anyone who has paid the smallest bit of attention to America over this past hellish decade.
First, there is the bitchy, snippy caterwauling erupting between MAGA extremists and smug billionaires. When your political party consists of factions that have nothing in common other than a hatred of liberals, it is inevitable that disagreements will arise. But when those factions are led by power-hungry lunatics who default to hostility and anger, it is even more inevitable that they will turn on one another. These are people who kamikaze anyone who is not in lockstep with their narcissistic vision, and whose main method of communication is threatening violence.
Did anybody seriously think they were going to play well with one another?
The second predictable development is that our beloved president-elect, who was born into excessive privilege and despises the lower classes that worship him, would side with his wealthy peers over the riff raff. Come on, the guy doesn’t need their votes anymore. And he is always going to support those who can help him secure power.
So did anyone believe he would diss the world’s richest man, who bankrolled his campaign and holds an absurd amount of political and social power, in favor of a horde of random xenophobes who have little money and even less influence?
Of course, the dawning realization of the MAGA faithful that their messianic leader will do nothing to help them is likely to be a slow ordeal. But at some point, they will see him golfing with his rich buddies, leading his cabinet of billionaires (the wealthiest presidential administration of all time) in discussions of how to enrich themselves, and hording even more of the country’s resources for the one-tenth of one percent.
And they will wonder, “Hey, when is he finally going to help me afford health care?”
Who wants to tell them the answer?
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