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A Fair Assessment

It might shock you to know that this site is not a big money maker. Considering that I run no ads, don’t charge a subscription fee, and don’t hawk anything other than my books, it would indeed be mystifying if I were pulling in the big bucks.

It’s also no surprise to find out that that I do not come from money. I was raised by a single mom, an immigrant from El Salvador, and I grew up in a blue-collar town in America’s heartland. No, there were not a lot of trust-fund kids in my crowd.

So I make my living by writing economic content and business analysis. This week, I was called into an emergency meeting to discuss Trump’s plan to pause all federal funding

Nobody, including people who work in the White House, seemed to know what this latest dashed-off order actually meant. What functions and organizations were getting their funding cut off? Was this effective immediately? How long of a pause are we talking about here? Are Republicans trying to kill people or are they just morons indifferent to the consequences of their ill-conceived actions? OK, that last question was mine, and I kept it to myself, but I’m sure other people were thinking it.

And please note that this meeting didn’t even cover Trump’s sociopathic attack on immigrants, belligerent threats to allies, bellicose threats of revenge, and bizarre indifference to people dying in plane crashes.

Yes, we are not even two weeks into the Trumpian Era’s encore, but we are overwhelmed. We are subsumed under a nonstop deluge of hatred, ignorance, childish foot stomping, and random cruelty. Any attempt to keep up with the cascading imbecility is both nauseating and futile. The sludge is rising and threatening to drown us.

During this business meeting, a friend of mine muttered an aside. She was likely talking about the crushing amount of work being flung at us. Or perhaps she was assessing the frazzled state of America under Trump. Or maybe she was just summing up what we all feel about our 21st-century existences.

“This is no way to live,” she said.

I can’t say that she was wrong.

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